The service was very good and the food excelent. The wait can be a bit long if you wait until lunch time to get there, maybe up to thirty minutes. This video was taken about thirty minutes before the lunch rush started. By then we had eaten and were ready to go back to shopping.
The RedSnapper is about six blocks down from the international bridge on the West side ( right ) of the main street. So many folks are always looking for authentico mexicano comida, but what they really want, and like, is actually TEX/MEX. This was about 60/40 authentic / tex/mex/, and extremely good.
We went further South and crossed over to the East side of the main street as we shopped for a couple of specific items. One of which was that Betty wanted a small colored leather backpack to keep her passport and a few simple items in so she wouldn't have a fanny pack tugging at her waist constantly. We have both lost enough weight that a fanny pack pinches loose skin around the waist. Most that she found were synthetic material and had velcroe fasteners or fastex fasteners. She wanted one that the flap covered a bolt snap for greater security. Those she found up near the border crossing were all in the neighborhood of $25 to $30. Prices improved as we went South down the street. When she found this one:
She knew that it was the one that she wanted, but not what the final price might be. She began the negotiation process. At one point it seemed to me that they were hung up on ten dollars, but Betty finaly bought it for nine dollars. Way to go Bett !
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