Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Catching Shrimp for Bait
Just after sunup, you’ll see them patrolling the beach, especially at low tide, slurpy gun in hand.100_1196The fishermen are looking for bait, more specifically,  shrimp.100_1186 But, the tide is out and the shrimp are burrowed down deep in the sand, in order to stay down where the water is .100_1187 The fisherman’s problem is how to get to the shrimp that may be quite deep.

100_1191 Good size on these shrimp, huh ?

100_1192 The slurpy gun does the trick quite handily.100_1193Even the seagulls benefit from the fishermen’s search, by gleaning scraps.

 100_1194 The fisherman discharges the slurpy gun as his partner stands by to pick up the shrimp.

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