Saturday, February 13, 2010


Snow, one foot plus, had fallen in the DFW Metroplex, according to the weather channel, as we lingered over breakfast waffles this morning. The surf could be heard through the slightly cracked open windows and roof vent. We had been mildly complaining about the overnight low that was down in the mid 40’s. After hearing the weather channel report about the Heavy, record breaking snow fall in Dallas, we quit the temperature whining. This evening after the high tide, we drove down past the five mile marker on the beach. Just before the five mile mark we came across Casita Club Members camping on the beach and stopped in to say high.


Coming South from the Dallas area, Pam & Greg Bates, along with their beautiful large standard Poodle, Daisy,  had finally ran out of the snow at about the Waco area. Parked snugly above the high tide line, with a good fire pit and ample supply  of fire wood, they were all set to enjoy the sunset.

As it turns out they had been reading our posts on the Casita Club Forums and knew that we were in the area, so they  weren’t surprised when we just pulled up and said howdy. Serious boondockers, the Bates have so much in common with us, and we  had a great visit around the campfire.

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