Sooner or later, where ever we are, anchor day arrives. That’s the day when you hoist the anchor and sail off to another port. Today was anchor day for us. We got a call from Camping World in Katy Texas that our circuit board had arrived and if we would come on up there they would install it for us. Simple enough one might think. But, he, he, now that’s a very big BUT, we had collected up stuff. Beach Trophy’s to be specific. Way too many cool, just gotta’ have it, found on the beach, trophy stuff.
So, we culled, and loaded, then culled some more.
Here is what the beverly hill billies jeep looks like now:
Under that pile is five buoys and an authentic, like new, offshore oil platform work life jacket, several pieces of netting and on and on.
Note that
for some reason I decided to keep a large braided rope tug boat fender. The heck of it is, I’ve already got one hanging on the fence at home !
Here is the cull pile by the campground dumpster.
As we walked towards the dumpster, folks were walking out to ask us what we were going to do with all of that stuff. The white bucket was found on the beach and used to rinse and clean sea shells and is still half full. There is a coconut in the bucket. Yep there is a perfectly good Nike basketball, two duck decoys, more buoys, and two plastic chairs there, all beach trophy’s. Then there was the blue horseshoe. I never did figure out how it managed to float in with the tide. I wonder how long that stuff stayed there by the dumpster, maybe till we were out of sight ? Yeh, anchor day, time to move on to another adventure, on down the road somewhere.