Friday, August 2, 2019

It was pretty comforting to see that old battered Stanley thermos jug sitting on the desk near the laptop. Dented and scratched, it's green paint faded and worn thin, yet I knew it was still a good one. It would hold fresh hot coffee for hours, even when being opened to pour a cup at various times through the day.
Something had awaken me during the night, and I thought back upon it. An old ghost from SEA, South East Asia, had followed me back stateside and would come to visit from time to time. Probably prompted by sleeping in one position for too long and a aching hip.
Though it was 0330 hrs., it was time to get up and sit for a bit. No checking the cell phone for messages, no seeing if there might be an email on the laptop, just me and the warmth of a hot cup of coffee in the dark, still of the night.
Old Smudge the Cat was on the job. He was laying on the roof of the jeep. Silently observing every least sound and movement. He looked at the kitchen window where I watched in silence. Somehow he knew I was there. A brief "I SEE YOU' passed between us, like two silent sentry's passing in the dark, giving a slight knod of the head that meant "ALL'S WELL".
As the ghost faded into the past once again and the hip ceased it's aching, I knew Smudge was right, all was well and it was back to bed for me.
I thought, as I dozed back into a restful sleep, some people here on the internet complain about cat tracks on their car but not me ! It's a small price to pay for being sure that there are no Mice chewing on the jeep's wiring. No snake around our door step. No rodent sneaking in the house to plunder.
Thanks, Smudge for a job well done and leaving your calling card for us to see.

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