Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Each year as we  make preparations to hit the road for seven months, we carefully cull through our stuff. Our general rule of thumb is that if we have carried it for a year without using it, it is history. We will give it away, store it, yard sale it or throw it away. Now, understand that this isn’t etched in stone.  For example we will be working in a different area of Colorado this year, so, our load out will be a bit different. Here is a look.


Grandma’s kindling hatchet stays this year, as does Grandpa’s machete.


A wonderful Springtime shower caught us in the midst of sorting through the tool box.


The spare 30 pound propane tank has the old style fill valve.


And it has quite a bit of rust damage. It didn’t make the cut this year, we culled it.


Here is the new style propane tank, filled and loaded. You might note that it is covered with a burlap sack to keep it from direct sunlight exposure.

Four days and counting until it’s up anchor time !


  1. Getting ready to leave eh? Wow, as you head out stay safe. If you get through Norman give us a shout.

  2. I was hoping you guys might say something so we would know that you were ok ! I guess that your local hospital is full of injured from the tornado. Our power is out as I type this. A nearby lightning strike during a passing storm this afternoon. Hope all is well with you guys !

  3. Where in Colorado will you be working this year???

  4. We will be West of Boulder about thirty miles at the Brainerd Lake Recreation area, 10,300 feet up in the front range of the Rockys.

  5. Well, it looks like another wonderful summer in the High Rockies for you two.

    I believe the road to your camp is still snowbound at this time. Sure to be a lot cooler than down here in the oven of central Texas.


  6. Look forward to seeing you and Betty and spending time with you both this summer.
