Sunday, January 27, 2013


When Navy dependents were allowed to follow their Sailor Dad’s over to Hawaii, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, we left San Francisco on the AH-13 the USS Benevolence.  Here is a look at her as she was then.


When our deployment was over we returned back stateside on the AH-7 the USS Hope. Here is a look at her.


On the return trip, we traveled from San Francisco to Mena Arkansas by train. The train depot hasn’t changed much over the years, but it was the hub of activity and a very busy place back then !


Our trunks caught up with us after a few days, and nothing would do for Grandma and Mom, except to put me in a souvenir grass skirt that was in one of those steamer trunks. Here is the photo that has embarrassed me for so many years.

Alma M12

I turned 70 last year, and the photo is now more funny to me than it is embarrassing, he, he.


  1. 336It's good to be able to go back now and laugh at things we thought would kill us back then.

  2. Hi Jo ! You sure have it figured out alright ! When I was a teenager, that photo was ever so awful. Now, it is just a funny thing that happened during childhood, kind of like the classic naked baby on a bearskin rug that some parents terrorize their children with ! He, he, . . . . .

  3. Why Larry, that looks just like the camp host uniform you wore in Colorado last summer. It sure did make the folks sit up and take notice!

  4. Oh, geeze ! I thought that folks were flagging down our golf cart to visit with POCO !
