Sunday, June 19, 2011


Didja’ ever put pennies on the railroad track ?


We drove up to a remote crossing with friends  from Texas. That’s him in the shade of a ponderosa pine, with camera in hand, waitin’ for the train.


Her and Betty plan a penny smashing episode as he checks his camera.


Look at that grin ! Yeh, you know we both had to have a smashed penny !

Here is a 57 second video of the actual smashing process.

Penny Smasher in action

Edit to add penny’s photo:



  1. Did you find the penny? Did you get a photo of it? I'd like to see it. Cute video.

  2. Found both of them. There is a kind of a trick to it. You spit on the side that will be on the rail and it stays put better. I added the photo of the pennies to the bottom of the blog entry.
    PS to Bobbie and Jim, the forecast for tomorrow night is snow ! The first day of Summer ! He, he, Rocky Mountain camping, it's a never ending supprise.

  3. I remember doing that when I was a kid.
    Happy Fathers Day.
    Snow lol
